The Latest From ALTIS

Stop Trying to ’Fix’ Athletes!

I’ve never been comfortable with the term ”corrective exercise”. In this short post, I’ll tell you why. When we stand back and look at the big picture, the challenge to improving the health and performance of athletes may seem overwhelming.  How can we help athletes improve the quality of their movement with all the complexity and subjectivity that it entails? ...
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Coaching Chat #3: Coach to Olympic Gold Medalist – Sue Humphrey

Welcome to Coaching Chat, an ALTIS vodcast series where Education Director – Ellie Kormis – chats with coaches, coach educators, and teachers who coach – from High School coaches, to Pro coaches, to new coaches, to the seasoned warhorses of our profession. Episode 3 sees us joined by Coach Sue Humphrey - a High Jump Coach from the USA, who...
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Let’s Connect

Introducing our new Membership — ALTIS Connect We are re-imagining The ALTIS Membership. You might be familiar with ALTIS 360 — our on-line portal consisting of 100s of hours of amazing video content — ranging from presentations from our own staff and many of our expert friends from around the world, to behind the scenes training footage, to exclusive access...
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Coaching Chat #2: Damien Inocencio – Olympic Gold for France to Head Coach for China

Welcome to Coaching Chat, an ALTIS vodcast series where Education Director – Ellie Kormis – chats with coaches, coach educators, and teachers who coach – from High School coaches, to Pro coaches, to new coaches, to the seasoned warhorses of our profession. SPecific discussion points: In this 15-minute chat with Ellie Kormis, the former Coach to Olympic Champion and...
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Reflection as an Osteopath Intern

Early Days I think it all started when I was 14-15 years old; I had always dreamt of coming to the States, where huge stadiums exist and University athletic departments are bigger than the small cities in Italy. It was especially incredible to think about these types of structures compared to Italy where sport development programs start at a young...
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Sprint Science Categorization

This short post is meant to accompany a two-part article I wrote for SportSmith HQ - where I updated my thoughts on my push-pull categorization.    In sport, we use categories all the time: through placing things into categories (‘categorization’), we are better able to recognize, differentiate, and understand the complex systems we interact with. A number of categorization systems already...
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Our Team has grown! – Meet Aasha and Tameka

As you may have heard back in June, we are making some exciting changes, and moving our center of operations to Atlanta, Georgia - but that’s not all! .  We have recently added two amazing women to our staff.  Meet Aasha and Tameka! Aasha Marler Media and Marketing Manager Aasha Marler has joined the team as our Media and Marketing Manager. Aasha...
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Introducing an incredible Mentorship Faculty!

If you’ve read my last couple of emails, you will know that we are soon launching a new Mentorship Program.   Thus far, through the ALTIS education platform, we have written almost all of the Courses ourselves.  With the exception of a few of the track & field Courses, the expertise required to write these Courses has existed within our own...
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What’s wrong with coaching education?

A quick word on coaching education: The sport performance industry has traditionally valued what has been termed ‘technical skills’ (knowledge of anatomy, biomechanics, physiology, etc.), and thus has developed accreditation processes based upon Courses that teach these skills.  More and more, however, employers are prioritizing the character of their employees, and are less-interested in the typical technical course certification processes.  ...
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In coaching, “how” is more important than “what”

Over the last few weeks, I have been talking to a few of my friends in leadership positions in sport around the world, as well as sharing a post on my Twitter account, about what type of things they value in new coaches. My goal in this - besides simply interest - was to better understand what the types of...
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