Coach Education

Think, Reflect, Excel: The Socratic Method in Coaching

Socratic questioning, a concept inspired by the ancient philosopher Socrates, is all about sparking deeper thought and reflection through probing questions. For coaches, this approach can be a game-changer. It moves beyond traditional instruction, inviting athletes to think critically about their actions, motivations, and the intricacies of their sport. John Wooden, the revered UCLA basketball coach, perfectly exemplified this approach....
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Women’s Health: Hormones & Performance

Take two high achieving women and get them together for a chat about all things women's health as it relates to hormones, periods and performance. What do you get? 45 minutes of insight filled information that is a must watch or listen for any coach working with female athletes. Recently - two Australians - Olympian and ALTIS Graduate - Ella...
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The Need for Problem-Driven Solutions

Each of us comes from chaotic environments with different constraints, challenges, and bottlenecks. Even though we all share a similar goal - performance - it is challenging to directly help solve each other’s specific problems.  The complex worlds we live in consist of unique interactions between the elements that make up these worlds. Our context is different. Therefore, the most...
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