Black Lives Matter

Strength Training Programming

This article, written by ALTIS Strength & Power Coach - Jason Hettler outlines some of the strategies used by ALTIS to develop effective Strength Training Programs. The development and progression of a strength training program from early season training into the competitive season is a common concern of many coaches I speak with. Additionally, many of the interns that come...
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March in ALTIS 360°

It's starting to warm up, and so are the track, field and summer sports! ALTIS 360° will keep you up to date with what you and your athletes need for this season. With his new book out this month, Brett Bartholomew talks with ALTIS on his experiences, trials and tribulations as a strength coach. Also, sports psychologist Marc Strickland will...
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February (2) in ALTIS 360°

The second instalment for content on ALTIS 360° this month comes with some exciting diversity and great discussions from world leaders in our industry. Sharpen your coaching skills with these thought provoking presentations: Dan Pfaff: Warm-Up Movement Screen @PfaffSC If you think you have learned and heard everything you can from Coach Dan Pfaff, you need to be reminded of his four...
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February in ALTIS 360°

The indoor track season is upon us, which means outdoor is not far away! We have your new ALTIS 360° content fix right here and ready to go for an exciting track season ahead.. This month on ALTIS 360°: Dan Pfaff: Everything you do matters. @PfaffSC The legendary coach with 44 years of coaching experience and success details his approach...
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January in ALTIS 360°

Happy New Year from ALTIS! What better way to start the year than some fresh content to hit the ground running in 2017? Check out the first instalment of the new year. Not signed up yet to ALTIS 360°? Get on board: This Month on ALTIS 360°… John Berardi: Nutrition Coaching  @insidePN               ...
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Coach Stuart McMillan’s Best Books of 2016

We are happy to present the fourth installment of ALTIS Performance Director and Sprint Coach Stuart McMillan's 'Best of' Books. “Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.” - Francis Bacon Following along with Sir Bacon’s quote above, and using Mortimer Adler’s guidelines on ‘how to read a book’ as a starting point,...
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ALTIS Apprentice Coach Program in the New Year

ALTIS is stepping up our education game for 2017. The first installments of the Apprentice Coach Program (ACP) for the up-and-coming year have everyone at ALTIS very excited. As is tradition, the Program offers an action-packed week of learning, including: daily observation of varied event-group training on the track and in the weight room interaction with ALTIS coaches, staff and...
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December in ALTIS 360°

As most of us start to wind down for the Christmas break, ALTIS 360° is just warming up for the second December installment of educational goodies for your stocking… This Month on ALTIS 360°… Dr. Gerry Ramogida: The Performance Trinity  @DrGerryRamogida         As one of the Godfathers of the Performance Therapy model, Gerry...
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Life as a Competition

"How can we apply this understanding of the increased motivation and drive experienced through competition, and harness it into increased performance? And how do we do this specifically within an individual sport such as track & field? While lining athletes up next to each other for sprints and drills is an option, it is not always the best option from...
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Partnership with Barton Health, Lake Tahoe

ALTIS is proud to announce a high performance collaboration with Barton Health at the Robert Maloff Center of Excellence, South Lake Tahoe, California. This training center will embody the ALTIS elite training philosophies and systems, in Barton Health's new $10 million, 26,000 sq. ft. performance center. ALTIS presence at the center will have a symmetry with Barton Health's ethos of an integrative approach to health,...
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