
The Shuffle Start & Goodhart’s Law: when good enough is good enough

The so-called shuffle start has been making waves in the last few years, especially among elite circles [and most-especially in the United States]. It is characterized by a low projection angle from the blocks, an ultra-low heel recovery [often seen as a toe-drag], and a high step frequency. This may be a controversial take, but I’ve long believed that this...
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The Nested Dynamics of Speed: Lessons from Russian Dolls

Russian dolls, known as Matryoshka dolls, are hollow wooden figurines originating from Russia.  They nest inside each other, with the smallest doll at the center. They are adorned with vibrant colors and intricate designs. Matryoshka dolls symbolize family, generations, and Russian culture.  They are collected and cherished worldwide as decorative items. But what the heck have they got to do...
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Meet the neighbors

How often do you speak to your neighbors?   Do you even know them? Research shows that most Americans don’t trust their neighbors.   Why not? And what has this to do with speed, you ask? Today we will discuss the relevance of an increasingly isolated world, and how that might affect your understanding of lots of things as they relate to...
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Struggling with skill

I alluded to this a few weeks back, and promised I was going to get back to it — which is what I’ll do today: talk about speed, why we should treat it with the respect it deserves, and how — through understanding one simple rule — you can better teach it.   So first, the rule: speed is both a...
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ALTIS 360 Highlight – Speed Development with Clive Brewer

The latest addition to the FREE section of ALTIS 360 comes courtesy of Clive Brewer and his presentation titled, Developing Speed in a Chaotic Movement Context. Clive has 25 years of experience coaching a variety of sporting populations with most of his work coming at the professional level in Rugby, Soccer, and Baseball. You can get an understanding of what...
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