Highlights: Athletigen Performance Therapy Program

1000x500 PTP
Ellie Kormis

Ellie Kormis

ALTIS Director of Education

Following hot on the heels of the March edition of the Gill Athletics Apprentice Coach Program, this past weekend saw the successful conclusion of the second Athletigen Performance Therapy Program.

Over the four day program, Athletigen PTP guests were treated to a world-class line up of lectures featuring WAC Medical Director – Dr Gerry Ramogida; Director of Education – Coach Dan Pfaff; and guest speaker – Dr Anthony Mascia. The trio delivered six lectures on cutting-edge topics ranging from movement screens, to biomechanics, to PRP and Radiology – in addition to the hands-on trackside sessions.

If you were unable to follow our live commentary via Twitter, we have picked out some of the highlights below. However, even better – there are a few places remaining on the April edition of the PTP, giving you the opportunity to join us in person. As Dr Ramogida explained: “The best part of the Athletigen PTP program is the openness and sharing. The collaboration of knowledge from providers and coaches from around the globe truly enriches all of our experiences, and gives participants the opportunity to get involved practically – on world class athletes‎.”

To share this unique collaborative experience with us, starting in just under three weeks – click here.

The Athlete-Coach-Therapist Triad – Gerry Ramogida

The performance triad = coach + athlete + therapist.

Mechanics are the currency of communication.

Less injury = consistent training + improved performance.

Foot function and intrinsic strength is often ignored. Should be part of the paradigm.

Mechanics often velocity dependent – how well do athletes move at various speeds?

Warm up lateral walks are used to observe foot, pelvic, and shoulder function & symmetry.

Plan B protocols utilize dribble series to re-introduce sprint mechanics & velocities.

“Young coaches learning to observe – try to see one joint first, then two, then more and more.”

Dr Gerry Ramogida

When watching the hip axis in lateral movements – can you see internal/external rotation, compensations?

PRP and Radiology in Elite Sport – Dr. Anthony Mascia

PRP is a biological adhesive, analgesic and wound healer.

Goal of PRP – decrease tissue healing time with improved tissue quality.

PRP has been shown superior to many other treatment methods – allowing true restoration of tissue quality.

The best surgeon hands in the world cannot be more precise than imaging with PRP.

6 weeks after UCL tear we have seen pitchers throwing 90mph again – utilizing PRP.

With PRP you will see more gradual and long lasting improvements – eventually back to 100%.

PRP is equal in effect with acute, long term, and chronic injury.

The Living Movement Screen – Gerry Ramogida

Return of rear leg in sprinting is reflexive.

As speed increases, the gastrocnemius and soleus act isometrically to transfer force.

"Better athletes spend more time in front side mechanics" Dr Gerry Ramogida
“Better athletes spend more time in front side mechanics”

Dr Gerry Ramogida

Foot and pelvis are often drivers of global movement patterns.

The body/fascial trains do not operate in isolation – example: thoracolumbar junction.

Often shoulder dysfunction is related to contralateral hip dysfunction.

Notice head posture, gaze, even hand tension in seemingly simple lateral walk.

Warm up is a time for athlete and coach to FOCUS on mechanics – not just get warm.

Dribbles used to train foot stiffness, amplitude, and is a cyclical/symmetrical movement.

There is an ELDOA for nearly every synovial joint in the body.

Introduction to Sprint Based Biomechanics – Dan Pfaff

You could say I’m OCD about set up – that’s because too much can go wrong right from start.

Shoulder and hip axis must angulate and oscillate in harmony for effective mechanics.

What is critical to monitor in the sprint model? Have to have versus want to have.

Seeing motion is tough – it’s a process that does not happen overnight and must be a 3D view.

Cue systems – be flexible!

“We are an error detection & correction company … don’t get bogged down in drills”

Dan Pfaff

Training theory considerations – include acceleration, speed, & speed endurance as comparative & complementary tasks.

Poolside chats

In dribble series – we are looking for concentric circles and symmetry. @PfaffSC

Changes in postures and positions effect recruitment patterns. @PfaffSC

Tissue quality varies even among athletes of similar event groups. @PfaffSC

Rudiment jump series reinforces proper lower leg mechanics, amortization times & postures. @PfaffSC

Tests of mobility almost always trump tests of position. @PfaffSC

It’s important that we work toward stability without forcing it – you can’t rush the body. @PfaffSC

"The harder I press the less I am going to feel - don't damage tissue" Dr Gerry Ramogida
“The harder I press the less I am going to feel – don’t damage tissue”

Dr Gerry Ramogida

There is a hydraulic component to joints – they are fluid filled – almost piston like. @DrGerryRamogida

Coaching cues are like clothes – try on a few pairs to see what fits. @PfaffSC

There is no magic bullet – reduction to “a way” is often sub-optimal. @PfaffSC

With joint dysfunction comes improper force management on jumping, sprinting, throwing, etc. @DrGerryRamogida

Timelines are artificial – continually evaluate min effective dose, operate in real task intensities. @PfaffSC

Mechanics are important – therefore we always safeguard them via therapy pre, during & post session. @PfaffSC

Athletes have many batteries – physiological, emotional, concentration, etc. Be aware of interplay. @PfaffSC

Ultra slow motion video exposes the true nature of force transmission. @DrGerryRamogida

Critical to understand the interconnected nature of muscle tissue, fascia, bone, etc. @DrGerryRamogida

"I observe mostly from the front - but also vary angles and depth of field"  Stuart McMillan
“I observe mostly from the front – but also vary angles and depth of field”

Stuart McMillan

Acceleration mechanics: a complex skill that should be practiced throughout year. @PfaffSC

Make sure your coaching is harmonious with athlete’s age, skill set, ability level

We encourage ALL young coaches to learn-practice therapy … putting your hands on the athletes gives you added information. @StuartMcMillan1

Without the medical team on-board, coach & athlete performance will be compromised. @DrGerryRamogida

What’s the trigger to dysfunctional movement? If extreme – it’s usually a conspiracy of a bunch of things. @PfaffSC

Classic model – therapists are taught WHAT it is – not WHY it is. Doesn’t work in elite sport. @builtbyscott

Ability to effectively integrate as a TEAM is the key to staying healthy and performing optimally. @builtbyscott

"POSTURE - a recurring focus - critical to be reinforced by both coach and therapist" Dr Gerry Ramogida
“POSTURE – a recurring focus – critical to be reinforced by both coach and therapist”

Dr Gerry Ramogida

Micro-movement dictates macro-movement; the role of multi-articular foot is CRITICAL. @DrGerryRamogida

Many layers of the foot determine proper micro-function and up-stream mechanics. @DrGerryRamogida

As therapists – we should moderate modality & pressure based on tissue quality and situation.

The goal of Plan B training – modify plan to always accomplish the primary training goal. @_trackside_

We start treatment gentle, then work into more aggressive manipulation if necessary. @DrGerryRamogida

Cannot underestimate viscera and gut health in therapy practice – neurotransmitter/immune system hub. @DrGerryRamogida

Unfortunately, surgeons view fascia as something that gets in the way … bad implications for return to sport. Marcin

Our therapeutic screening process is integrated into the warm up & training process. @StuartMcMillan1

"70 hours of sleep per week seems to fix many problems from a therapeutic perspective"  Dan Pfaff
“70 hours of sleep per week seems to fix many problems from a therapeutic perspective”

Dan Pfaff

Sleep, hydration, and nutrition are the platform on which high performance is built. @DrGerryRamogida

During competitive season – prescribe strength exercises the athletes are VERY good at. @CoachSanAndreas

High performance model = integrated – medical model = isolated – integration is key. @StuartMcMillan1

What do we REALLY know? No excuse for dogma. @builtbyscott

Recognise WHY something is stiff/rigid – be careful of what you are affecting, and downstream effects. @builtbyscott

Perfect symmetry does not always mean better performance – functional asymmetries do occur. @PfaffSC

Don’t want to create change too quickly, therapy is a gradual slide towards optimal. @StuartMcMillan1

Hallmark of patient/athlete assessment is sacro-iliac joint function. @DrGerryRamogida

"If we can all speak the same language, we can all get on the same bus" Scott Livingston
“If we can all speak the same language, we can all get on the same bus”

Scott Livingston


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