Athletigen Performance Therapy Program – April highlights

Athletigen PTP pfaff 1000x500
Ellie Kormis

Ellie Kormis

ALTIS Director of Education

Sunday marked the successful completion of the inaugural trilogy of the Athletigen Performance Therapy Program. In what was described by Altis Medical Director – Dr Gerry Ramogida – as a “nonstop education tsunami” the four day event involved a unique collaboration between coaches and therapists from around the world – intent on synergistic sharing and learning.

“Through Performance Therapy, we are working to change the paradigm of therapy from a reactive to proactive one: from a separated entity, to a model of collaborative effort between athlete, coach, and therapist. The outcome is reduced injury frequency, and optimization of performance” Dr Gerry Ramogida explained. With this overriding theme evident throughout every aspect of the course, guest therapists and coaches were also treated to a spectrum of lectures featuring Movement expert Shawn Myszka; Dr Jeremy Koenig from Athletigen, and Coach Dan Pfaff.

“The Athletigen PTP course reminds me why I love being part of the group at Altis” Dr Ramogida reflected – “where else would you get to enjoy working with a group of extremely committed coaches, athletes, and therapists working together in a collaborative, integrated, and innovative environment? Although I lecture each day, I too walk away feeling enlightened – and full of new learning experiences from this mixing of so many bright minds. The Athletigen PTP course is a must for all coaches and therapists.”

Still not convinced? This is what our participants had to say:

“I gained more information about therapy in four days from you than I have in the past four years.”

“You do a fantastic job presenting and making very complex material easy to understand … it was an unforgettable experience.”

Whilst there are still two remaining Gill ACP sessions running this summer, the Athletigen PTP will restart in the fall. In the mean-time, you can look back through this edition’s key messages in our highlights summary:

If mechanics aren’t sound, it doesn’t matter how good the rehab program is. @DrGerryRamogida

As running speeds change musculotendinous characteristics change, backed by research. @DrGerryRamogida

Research is catching up – findings show mechanics as a primary factor in sprint speed. @DrGerryRamogida

The point of performance therapy is integration between coach, athlete, therapist. @StuartMcMillan1

I need a coach, athlete, and therapist. With good communication we will be successful. @DrGerryRamogida

“Every moment is a movement screen – be constantly observant.” Dr Gerry Ramogida
“Every moment is a movement screen – be constantly observant.”

Dr Gerry Ramogida

One of the greatest elements of performance therapy is immediacy of improved movement. @DrGerryRamogida

How does the body manage massive amounts of force? Understand tensegrity model. @DrGerryRamogida

It’s important to be consistent and detailed when coaching athletes in ELDOA @DrGerryRamogida

Warm up is a visual movement screen for the coach + kinesthetic screen for the athlete. @PfaffSC

In order to observe movement well, you must have an appropriate + sophisticated mental model. @PfaffSC

Tone is a good thing- if you don’t have tone you are dead. Tension is bad. – Marcin

Improving physical preparedness is simple compared to mastering human movement in sport. @MovementMiyagi

We can never analyze movement too much, or too deeply. @MovementMiyagi

Man is his movement – everything in life affects movement. @MovementMiyagi

Movement change is ultimately behavioral change. @MovementMiyagi

When chaos arises - we will revert to what we have done most, not what we want to do best."   Shawn Myszka
“When chaos arises – we will revert to what we have done most, not what we want to do best.”

Shawn Myszka

I don’t use FMS – my movement screen is game film – what happened when chaos ensued? @MovementMiyagi

Your body is the brush, the track is the canvas, and your movement is the art. @MovementMiyagi

What questions do you ask yourself while observing movement? @MovementMiyagi

There will be fluctuations in a given technical model – each athlete has a movement signature. @MovementMiyagi

The 3 Bs: 1. Brain 2. Behavior 3. Biomechanics. How do they all interact? @MovementMiyagi

The pool of movement our body can use far exceeds that which we can communicate or cue. @MovementMiyagi

Brain-body maps are built with repetition – for better or worse. @MovementMiyagi

Go to bed understanding and visualizing how you want to move the next day. @MovementMiyagi

The de-brief is the end of one session and the beginning of the next – never skip these. @MovementMiyagi

"I believe in deep and deliberate practice - always encouraging mindfulness and awareness." Shawn Myszka
“I believe in deep and deliberate practice – always encouraging mindfulness and awareness.”

Shawn Myszka

Cues must be timed well, concise, and clear- direct athlete attention appropriately. @MovementMiyagi

Professionals will default to their training – how broad is your training and do you have perspective? @PfaffSC

Embracing a model where therapists spend time observing athletes in sporting movements is critical. @DrGerryRamogida

Who keeps athletes accountable for movement? Is it team philosophy to coach movement quality and effort? @PfaffSC

There is no “normal” movement per se – normal movement is efficient, effective, and safe. @MovementMiyagi

The organism/athlete will adapt to its environment – create an environment that promotes right adaptation. @JeffMorenoRUN

It’s not about ‘normal’ – it’s about optimal and authentic. @MovementMiyagi

If it helps us get better – we are going to do it. @DrGerryRamogida

Dan Pfaff
“Risk goes up as you increase variables of change … beware of how much you change at a time.”

Dan Pfaff

With Performance Therapy – the goal is to change as little as possible to affect the change you want. @DrGerryRamogida

Don’t juggle too many balls at once- keep variables to a minimum to monitor effect. @PfaffSC

What are the landmarks and incubation periods? Don’t get stuck in norm-based time-lines. @PfaffSC

Stay as close to the training program as possible at all times – even post-surgery. @PfaffSC

Best way to appropriate stress is to have athletes move in an efficient manner. @DrGerryRamogida

Healing is perpetuated by appropriate stress through the injury site. @DrGerryRamogida

Dysfunction in the foot is often the first cause of global movement dysfunction. @DrGerryRamogida

Aberrant mechanics of any kind increase the likelihood of injury @DrGerryRamogida

The importance of dorsiflexion cannot be stressed enough. @DrGerryRamogida

"Too many people think Performance Therapy is taking the clinic outside - keep inputs small, and frequent." Dr Gerry Ramogida
“Too many people think Performance Therapy is taking the clinic outside – keep inputs small, and frequent.”

Dr Gerry Ramogida

We are looking for symmetry and rhythm from multiple perspectives. @DrGerryRamogida

Lateral walks provide coach w/context for pelvic function and balance. @DrGerryRamogida

Focus comes and goes between exercises or days. Remind athletes appropriately. @_trackside_

Flexion of the hip in butt kicks is indication of anterior tension. @DrGerryRamogida

Dribbles are often rehab check – 40m dribbles over knee excellent indicator of health. @DrGerryRamogida

I cue dorsiflexion in EVERY movement possible. @DrGerryRamogida

Manipulating postures in warm up addresses unique planes – individualize these to the athlete. @PfaffSC

Tension on anchor points in the hips and chin create release along post-chain fascia. @DrGerryRamogida

Brain maps and alarms often govern motor control. @PfaffSC

Acceleration is a complex skill, practice it often. @PfaffSC

Stationary vs starting on the move … Same model despite varying starting angles and velocities. @PfaffSC

Don’t get married to an idea … Stiffness has a partner called compliance. It’s a balance.

Dan Pfaff

Another concept we need to put to rest, the elbow at 90 degrees is a myth. @PfaffSC

The arms are counter-balancers – not drivers. @PfaffSC

Acceleration is a skill: needs to be trained constantly – do pro golfers go months without hitting a ball? @PfaffSC

While we’re at it … Let’s also end the toe drag myth. Friction in the negative direction isn’t helping. @PfaffSC

UNDERSTAND: Triple extension is a myth – there is a correct amount of extension for the task at hand. @PfaffSC

Know landmarks and review film in half speed, frame by frame, varied positions … aids in real time understanding. @PfaffSC

Find the common denominators of great athletes, avoid basing the model on the exceptions. @PfaffSC

"Most great coaches I've been around have more fluid periodization than traditionally seen."  Dan Pfaff
“Most great coaches I’ve been around have more fluid periodization than traditionally seen.”

Dan Pfaff

Programming in ranges can be highly beneficial towards the mindset of your athletes. @PfaffSC

At the end of every year we ask ourselves, “what can we do less?” @PfaffSC

Be a risk-taker – and sometimes that means doing less! @KyleHierholzer

Constant critical observation of movement is an active skill. @StuartMcMillan1

Stop dragging your foot to affect heel recovery … not consistent, not replicable, and not logical. @PfaffSC

We are good at stimulating & adapting – but can we stabilise & actualise? Coaches change inputs far too often. @PfaffSC

The greatest recovery modality is sleep, next is nutrition.

Stuart McMillan

At point of highest force production, joints need to be in neutral position. @DrGerryRamogida

Dorsiflexion occurs both open chain and closed chain – talus must move properly. @DrGerryRamogida

About 98% of biceps femoris injury correlates with cuboid dysfunction and fibulae up-slip. @PfaffSC

Adductor Magnus often referred to as the third hamstring – important role in sprinting. @DrGerryRamogida

Often times the healing process depends on athlete compliance – athlete must buy in. @PfaffSC

If tendons hate one thing more than anything- it’s SHEARING. Avoid at all cost. @DrGerryRamogida

In most cases, our athletes move into plan B training asap after injury. @PfaffSC

There are a myriad of variables that affect injury and recovery – never isolatory. @PfaffSC

"A F1 race car spends 1hr on track and 5 in the shop - elite athletes are same."  Dr Gerry Ramogida
“A F1 race car spends 1hr on track and 5 in the shop – elite athletes are same.”

Dr Gerry Ramogida

Rest is rest – and it’s just as important as an acceleration or jump. @DrGerryRamogida

Don’t be afraid to fail – it’s how we learn- we must take responsibility for our learning. @PfaffSC

We learn a great deal from reflections on failure – not to blame but to build context. @DrGerryRamogida

I see an epidemic of kyphosis in past 10 yrs among young athletes – computers, iPhones, etc. @PfaffSC

What is your intention when palpating tissue? Respect the body as a living thing. @DrGerryRamogida

In treatment you must be totally engaged and intentional – thoughts have impact. @DrGerryRamogida

As a young coach/therapist – know your boundaries and stay within them. @PfaffSC

Some muscle fibers exist within fascial chains- not running from tendon to tendon @DrGerryRamogida

Tissue separation as we see in text books does not exist in reality. @DrGerryRamogida

Injury is like a wheel: treat the spokes – not just the wheel. @DrGerryRamogida

"As a therapist - get treatment from many other therapists to build context"  Marcin Goszczynski
“As a therapist – get treatment from many other therapists to build context.”

Marcin Goszczynski


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