Dr. Gerry Ramogida
Senior Sports Medicine Advisor
3 steps to being a good mentor
Mentorship is something that lots of folks talk about, and lots of folks appreciate the importance of - but there are really few effective structured mentorship programs in coaching education. Costs, time allotments for both parties, rules and regulations by governing bodies, a dearth of true educators in leadership roles, the lack of reward for doing mentorships other than self-gratification,...
in Praise of my Mentors
When I was a young coach, I was desperate for advice and mentoring, but it was very uncommon back then (late 60s-early 70s), so the only way to get any sort of help was to volunteer at a school and pray that one of the coaches took you under his wing. I grew up with a father in the construction...
alligator boogaloo
I wrote the following short piece well over a decade ago -- back when I first started sharing my thoughts publicly. I started a blog called 500words (this was prior to the old mcmillanspeed site), where every post had to be 500 words right on the nose. This was my 2nd or 3rd one -- and I share it here...
Coaching Chat #4: Stu McMillan – On authenticity & Advice to my younger self
Welcome to Coaching Chat, an ALTIS vodcast series where Education Director – Ellie Kormis – chats with coaches, coach educators, and teachers who coach – from High School coaches, to Pro coaches, to new coaches, to the seasoned warhorses of our profession. Episode 4 sees us joined by Coach Stu McMillan. Currently in his 28th year of professional coaching, Stuart...
Stop Trying to ’Fix’ Athletes!
I’ve never been comfortable with the term ”corrective exercise”. In this short post, I’ll tell you why. When we stand back and look at the big picture, the challenge to improving the health and performance of athletes may seem overwhelming. How can we help athletes improve the quality of their movement with all the complexity and subjectivity that it entails? ...
Coaching Chat #3: Coach to Olympic Gold Medalist – Sue Humphrey
Welcome to Coaching Chat, an ALTIS vodcast series where Education Director – Ellie Kormis – chats with coaches, coach educators, and teachers who coach – from High School coaches, to Pro coaches, to new coaches, to the seasoned warhorses of our profession. Episode 3 sees us joined by Coach Sue Humphrey - a High Jump Coach from the USA, who...
Let’s Connect
Introducing our new Membership — ALTIS Connect We are re-imagining The ALTIS Membership. You might be familiar with ALTIS 360 — our on-line portal consisting of 100s of hours of amazing video content — ranging from presentations from our own staff and many of our expert friends from around the world, to behind the scenes training footage, to exclusive access...
Coaching Chat #2: Damien Inocencio – Olympic Gold for France to Head Coach for China
Welcome to Coaching Chat, an ALTIS vodcast series where Education Director – Ellie Kormis – chats with coaches, coach educators, and teachers who coach – from High School coaches, to Pro coaches, to new coaches, to the seasoned warhorses of our profession. https://youtu.be/ErxR8oeSGBg SPecific discussion points: In this 15-minute chat with Ellie Kormis, the former Coach to Olympic Champion and...
Reflection as an Osteopath Intern
Early Days I think it all started when I was 14-15 years old; I had always dreamt of coming to the States, where huge stadiums exist and University athletic departments are bigger than the small cities in Italy. It was especially incredible to think about these types of structures compared to Italy where sport development programs start at a young...
Sprint Science Categorization
This short post is meant to accompany a two-part article I wrote for SportSmith HQ - where I updated my thoughts on my push-pull categorization. In sport, we use categories all the time: through placing things into categories (‘categorization’), we are better able to recognize, differentiate, and understand the complex systems we interact with. A number of categorization systems already...