
The Delicate Balance: Skepticism vs. Cynicism in Sports Medicine

The Delicate Balance: Skepticism vs. Cynicism in Sports Medicine In sports medicine, the debate over therapeutic methodologies stretches between rigorously evidence-based practices and those rooted in tradition yet lacking empirical support. This ongoing discussion not only highlights the diversity of treatment approaches but also underscores the critical need to navigate thoughtfully between evidence, experience, and innovation. Understanding the Debate At...
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Polarization Of Intensity

Taken from the ALTIS Foundation Course, this excerpt - written by Derek Evely and PJ Vazel - explores the increasingly popular topic of polarized training. In the next two minutes, you'll get a clear introduction to the concept, then delve into real-world application with comprehensive case studies showcasing how polarized training has benefited three different athletes. DETERMINING LOAD   When...
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