
Meet the neighbors

How often do you speak to your neighbors?   Do you even know them? Research shows that most Americans don’t trust their neighbors.   Why not? And what has this to do with speed, you ask? Today we will discuss the relevance of an increasingly isolated world, and how that might affect your understanding of lots of things as they relate to...
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4 Reflections from the ALTIS Community in 2020

It is typical of our staff (and I’m sure many of you) to spend time in the latter stages of December reflecting on the past 12 months. For us, this is often centered around our programming, the successes and failures of the athletes we work with, areas we need to improve upon, and so on.  This year though is a...
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Medium-term Planning For Reaction-based Programming

Derek Evely is one of the world’s foremost experts on the theory and methodology of training, with a special interest in the work of Dr. Anatoliy Bondarchuk (Derek was the person responsible for bringing Dr. B to North America, and Dr. B lived in Derek’s basement for 5 years!) Derek - along with our great friend, journalist, coach, and super-historian...
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